
Website Builder

Our website builder does the hard work for you, allowing you to create and publish beautiful websites within minutes.

Easily create a stunning website using our online site builder without learning to code or downloading any complicated software - all fully integrated into your hosting control panel.

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Site Builder Features

Whether you're creating a landing page, a personal blog or a full e-commerce store, we have the templates and plugins you need to easily and quickly build your dream website.

eCommerce Features
  • Our website builder provides everything you need to create a fully featured e-commerce store along with integrations for a wide range of payment gateways including PayPal, Stripe, Skrill and many more.
Fully Responsive
  • Increase your SEO with one of the hundreds of fully responsive templates to choose from, pre-built and ready to go. Simply add your logo, images and text and you have a website that looks great on any device.
Website Import Tool
  • Quickly and easily import your website from other providers into our website builder. Simply provide your domain name and the automated import process does the hard work for you.
The Hosting Heroes - Site Builder Features

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Getting started couldn't be simpler. Sign up for any of our cPanel, DirectAdmin or Plesk based hosting services then click the "Website Builder" icon inside your control panel.

How many templates are there to choose from?

Our template library is ever expanding. Currently there are 200+ templates covering a wide variety of categories with more being added all the time.

How quickly can I create a website?

Your new website can be online within minutes. All you need to do is select a template and edit the text and images, it's as easy as that.

How many pages can I create?

There is no limit, you can create as many pages with as many elements as you want at no extra cost.

Will my site work on mobile devices?

Our website builder provides fully responsive templates that will automatically display a mobile friendly version of your website when visited from such a device.

Can I modify my site after it is published?

Absolutely. You can update or change your website at any time through the online builder. You can even start over and use a completely different template if you want to.

What software will I need?

All you need is a web browser, which you already have! There's no special software or requirements

Can I still access my website files?

Absolutely. Some providers only let you create a website using their software and try to lock you to their platform. With The Hosting Heroes you have full access to your files and can download a copy at any time.

How do I import an website from my current provider?

Importing your website from another provider couldn't be easier. Simply enter your website address under the "Import Any Website" header on the website builder and click Import. Your website will then be automatically transferred across for you and be ready for editing or publishing.

Is the Site Builder free?

The website builder is provided absolutely free of charge as part of our hosting packages, there are no hidden fees and you can create as many different pages or websites as you like.

Need Help?
Contact our friendly team

Our highly skilled technical support agents are available to answer your questions 7 days a week through live chat and support ticket with a typical response time is under 1 hour. Having issues with your website or just need some advice? Contact us today and we'll be happy to help!

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